Angels of Hope and Freedom: Domestic Violence Resources

Awareness and Education

Awareness and Education
Child Abuse
Sexual Assault
Survivor Stories
In Memoriam

I Get by With a Little Help

"Believe in yourself, in the power you have, to control your own life day by day. Believe in the strength that you have deep inside and your faith will help show you the way. Believe in tomorrow and what it will bring. Let a hopeful heart carry you through. For things will work out if you trust and believe there is no limit to what you can do!"


--- Larry S. Chengges


Your abuser can detect your internet activities. 

Learn How to Protect Yourself



Domestic Violence Handbook

Domestic Violence Resources

Get Help

Legal Issues in Domestic Abuse

List of State Coalitions

Power and Control Wheel

Process of Abuse

Suggested Reading

What is Battering and How do I Know if I am Being Abused?

Why do Women Stay in Abusive Relationships?

Tips on Testifying for Victims of Domestic Violence



Angel of Breakthrough